2023 January 1 – Edeon-Profi Brazil is released on three languages: Russian, English, Portuguese with 10-figured endbase.

From January 1, 2024 Edeon Pro Brazil with miniatures costs $60

In 2024, a new superbase of 62 books on Brazilian checkers was published. costs $60


Here is a list of all 62 books in the superbase of books for Edeon-Profi Brazilian version:

To order – email: vasily.naumik@gmail.com  

Attention! Important information to those who have problems with Edeon
After the updates Windows (Or after installing Windows 10) stops working Edeon

Here’s the new Brazilian startup file edeon.exe for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 or for Windows 10

An electronic version of my V.Naumik 1 book debut encyclopedias in the format pdf
An electronic version of my V.Naumik 2 book debut encyclopedias in the format pdf


An electronic version the superbase magazines «Checkers» for program Edeon

The superbase includes 330 magazines «Checkers», published in Latvia from 1959 to 1992

and 143 of the magazine «Horizons of drafts» published in Ukraine from 2000 to 2012 for the Edeon program

You can get on this site:



2014 July, 24 – Edeon Brazil had released!

See the video clip in Portuguese:

See the video in English:

To order – email: vasily.naumik@gmail.com

See the screenshots of Edeon Brazil below: